Thursday, August 26, 2010

Grackle Roost

I was with friends enjoying some Enchilladas in a restaurant that overlooks the central plaza in Tequisquiapan a few evenings ago when, all of a sudden, it all started to kick off.

A few Great-tailed Grackles flew in to the trees in the middle of the plaza and started to make a bit of a racket. Fair play, I thought. Over the next half an hour, though, they were joined by a continuous stream. I wasn't counting, but suspect that there were well over 3000 Grackles in total. These aren't small birds either, let me tell you. It was as if the trees had been doused in black paint, as the Grackles scrabbled for the best roost sites. So loud were they at times, that we couldn't hear each other speak.

Birds often have communal roosts in town centres, where it is warmer, more sheltered and often predator free. Pied Wagtails in Britain are a good example. There can't be many more spectacular than the Grackle roost in Tequis. though. I'll try and get back there and put a few photos up soon.

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