Thursday, April 7, 2011

Tree of Plenty - Great Birds, Bad Photos

My Spanish teacher's garden continues to push its claim for 'Tequisquiapan's Best Birding Spot'. Every visit throws up a few new species. Yesterday was no different, chucking up 3 species that I haven't seen before in Tequis. First up, a tiny character with a fantastic name - a Northern Beardless Tyrannulet probing through the bushes.

Then, a spectacular bird in the tree top. I fired off a few shots of this species that I had seen previously in Colima and Xalapa...a Flame-coloured Tanager.

Flame-coloured Tanager - Tequis MEGA

It was a real surprise to find this bird here. Existing thought on their range puts them no closer than the Sierra Gorda in the very north of this state.

Next up a Clay-coloured Robin.

This bird is supposed to have a similar range as the Tanager. What are they doing in Tequis? Vagrancy unlikely, given their sedentary nature. More likely, an overlook in previous range estimates due to poor observer coverage in this country.


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